1、最初に iPhone本体の左側面にあるサウンドオン・オフのスイッチを、サウンドオン側に設定してください。
好きなアラーム音がない場合は、「Record own」ボタンで、オリジナルの音を録音し、それをアラーム音として鳴らすこともできます。
設定画面で、「Record own」ボタンをタッチすると、オリジナルのアラーム音を録音できます。
iPhone のマイクに向けて、アラームとして利用したい音を録音してください。
[How to use]
1,Set the iPhone sound switch(iPhone left side hardware switch) to sound on.
If this switch turned off,all sounds in application can't hear.
2,Touch application screen [Setting] button(in screen right bottom) to enter setting screen.
Select alarm sound by [Wake Up Alerm] segment switch .
([own] is your original recording soundd,and default is no sound)
Touch [Test] button to hear alarm sound whitch you selected.
Touch [Record own] button to record own alarm sound and use to wake up alarm sound.
3,Selected alarm sound,please change alarm volume by iPhone volume switch iPhone left side hardware button).
4,Next,please set [Nap Time].
You can select time 1minute to 23hours59minutes.
! If you set long timer, please note the battery.If necessary to connect power source to the iPhone.
5,Next,please change [Viblation] switch on / off.
[Viblation] is only active in alarm sound played.
Not active in white noise sound played.
6,If you set complete these settings,touch [Close] button to return to main screen.
7,In main screen,touch [START] button to start timer,white noise will played.
Please touch [White Noise Volume] slider to change white noise volume.
! At this time,do not change volume by iPhone hardware buttons(in iPhone left side).If you changed by iPhone hardware buttons(in iPhone left side),the alarm sound volume has changed too.
7,Touch [STOP] button to pause white noise and timer actions.
Touch [START] button to start timer action and white noise from paused time.
[RESET] button to reset timer to setting time.
8,At timer count to 0,white noise will stop and ,alarm sound will play .
Touch [STOP] button
,alarm sound will stop.
[Recording Screen]
In Setting screen,touch [Record own] button to start recording own alarm sound.
Own alarm sound can record 1 sound only.
Touch [REC] button to start recording sound.
Please record alarm sound which you want to use..
Touch [STOP] button to stop recording.
![STOP] button will only appear during recording.
Touch [PLAY] button to play own alarm sound which now recorded.